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ABL Connectivity & eMobility

ABL. Since 1923.

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Connecting Power · Combination Units · Caravanning · eMobility

ABL Connectivity & eMobility

ABL. Since 1923.

Connectivity through

Connecting Power · Combination Units · Caravanning · eMobility

Market Launch SCHUKO F/B New

Wallbox ABL Pulsar

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charge company car at home

ABL Blog:
Charging company cars at home: In search of the right charging station

There are many reasons for company car drivers to purchase a charging station for their home. We have summarised for you which legal requirements apply to company car charging at home in Germany and which ABL charging solution is suitable for your individual application.

Software Update

Software Update Version 2.1 for Wallbox eM4

The software update 2.1 for the Wallbox eM4 is now available in our download area.

Parking Garage Wiesbaden

Opening of E-Mobility Hub Parking Garage Wiesbaden

On Monday, 01.07.2024, a new parking garage was opened on Klarenthaler Straße in Wiesbaden. The multi-storey parking lot has 429 parking spaces. The 400 AC and DC charging points make this flagship project particularly promising for the future. The AC charging stations installed are calibration-compliant Wallboxes eM4 Twin and Single from ABL.